Coaching with the Enneagram Program 1.0
6-session certificate program (50 ICF credits)
For those newer to the Enneagram, newer to coaching or newer to integrating the two
Fully integrates the Enneagram with the best coaching theory and practice
Rigorous coaching methodology and techniques
Applied Enneagram knowledge
Skill practice with feedback
Coaching for transformation
Coach self-development
See program registration page here
Program Overview
“Coaching with the Enneagram” is based on multiple perspectives to coaching: coaching methodology, coaching techniques, Enneagram knowledge and skills, coaching practice with feedback, and ample self-development. And while expertise, experience, and skills matter, what matters just as much is the character and qualities of the person doing the coaching. This includes their humanness, authenticity, level of self-mastery, centeredness, clarity about their motivations for wanting to coach, their ability to listen without judgment, and factors such as presence, being able to be in divided attention where they are fully attentive to more than one thing, and more.
Coach Self-Development
During the program, everyone is both a coach and a client. This is true each day, as participants practice their just learned knowledge and skills in multiple mini-skill practice pairs that occur throughout. At the end of each day, participants also engage in Peer Coaching trios who coach one another in the same trios throughout the week for a more intensive coaching experience. Being coached is just as beneficial as being the coach for several reasons: (1) it is an opportunity for your growth as a person and a coach, and (2) it gives you a first-hand experience of being in the client role.
There are other self-development opportunities interspersed in the program: multiple centering activities for you to experience and use for yourself daily or right before you go into a coaching session, type group work, and small group work.
Coaching Knowledge
This program contains a great deal of cognitive and theory input, and these content areas are always combined with information and skill-practice that allow you to put the cognitive learning into action.
You’ll learn about coaching frameworks, coaching processes, and how to choose which approach is best for you and your client. Even more, you’ll learn about how to assess a client’s level of self-mastery within their Enneagram style and why certain approaches work best with the different levels of mastery. Every skill and technique used in the program is theory-based, so you’ll also learn why these work and when to use them.
Coaching Skills
The skills taught include time for practice with feedback, and the Peer Coaching trios at day’s end provide a time to utilize the day’s techniques. The Peer Coaching involves 3 individuals involved in 3 rounds of coaching; in each round, one person is the coach, the other is the client, and the third person is the observer, who offers feedback after the coaching interaction.
Coaching Techniques
Great techniques used at the right time can make a huge difference in the depth and acceleration of the coaching experience. However, the best technique is for the coach to appear not to be using any, even though excellent coaches are highly trained and use a variety of techniques. A fine musician knows the scales and has mastered technique, but they appear to be playing without effort. Similarly, a skilled coach who knows how to be centered and in presence functions like a fine artist.
This program is not about technique, it is about coaching excellence with the Enneagram. You’ll learn 20+ techniques, but you’ll also learn when and how to use them. The program techniques are drawn from a variety of disciplines: Gestalt awareness, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), psychotherapeutic models, visioning, Enneagram theory, and more. Often less (technique) is more in terms of positive impact.
Program schedule at a glance…
SESSION 1 (includes pre-and post-work)
- Program overview and introductions
- Enneagram type and typing clients one-on-one
- Building rapport with clients
- Coaching individuals of each type
SESSION 2 (includes pre-and post-work)
- Coaching competencies and coaching models
- Coaching to client’s self-mastery level and type
- Head Center coaching techniques
- Heart Center coaching techniques
- Body Center coaching techniques
- Peer coaching
SESSION 3 (includes pre-and post-work)
- Coaching and defense mechanisms
- Coaching to clarify action
- Type-based paradoxes and coaching
- Peer coaching
SESSION 4 (includes pre-and post-work)
- Gestalt -based coaching techniques
- Voice work
- Stories
- Projection and polarities
- Peer coaching
SESSION 5 (includes pre-and post-work)
- 27 Enneagram subtypes
- Metaphor
- Enneagram type-based searches and avoidances
- Peer coaching
SESSION 6 (includes pre-and post-work)
- Development from the Head, Heart and Body
- Transformational coaching
- Peer coaching conclusion
- Coach development
Program language: English.
Advanced Coaching with the Enneagram Program 2.0
5-session certificate program (50 ICF credits)
For past participants of 1.0 or those with robust Enneagram-coaching knowledge and skills
Mental map coaching
Emotional literacy coaching
Somatic coaching
Transformative coaching
Team coaching
See program registration page here
Program Overview
“Advanced Coaching with the Enneagram” is an intensive, 5-day virtual program that meets from 9AM to 1PM each day (except for the last session, which ends at 2PM) and is open only to participants who have completed Ginger’s first program, “Coaching with the Enneagram,” or who have a strong Enneagram knowledge and are not new to the coaching profession. It is also expected that participants already use the Enneagram in their coaching practice.
The program is based on the philosophy that coaching is a client-centered or client-focused experience in which the coach brings skills and knowledge in service of the client’s growth and transformation. This includes accessing all of themselves – head, heart, and mind; alignment with their intentions and values; and integration, which means the client needs to integrate all of their learning, including the somatic aspects of coaching. To this end, the coach needs to be on a continuous growth trajectory in which the coach also accesses all of her- or himself is aligned and congruent and is continuously working toward their own integration as a coach and as a person.
Although the basics of coaching are reviewed in this program – for example, what is coaching, coaching ethics, and the core skills of listening, questioning, feedback, and challenging clients through direct communication, the program goes deeply and broadly into sophisticated coaching knowledge of their client’s patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving, and nuanced skills in client-coach interactions, all using the Enneagram.
Each participant selects one deep coaching desire and, using the same desire throughout the week, engages with a variety of other participants (as coaches) in relation to this deep development desire. Because of this focus, the program helps all participants learn how to coach clients at a vertical (deep) as well as horizontal (practical) level and also go deeply into their own development as coaches.
Program schedule at a glance…
Session 1 | Overview and Mental Center Coaching
- Program overview
- What is coaching | ICF ethical standards
- Contracting with clients | coaching agreements
- The Coaching Circle
- Coaching the client as a whole person
- Identifying client’s deep development desires
- Mental model coaching | changing deep assumptions
- Coaching Circles | group coaching
Session 2 | Heart Center Coaching
- Coaching from different Centers | head, heart, and body
- Coaching Circle | heart-based coaching
- How to coach to the heart of each enneatype
- Heart-opening coaching practices
- Speaking from the heart
- Storytelling from the heart
- Heart awareness assessment
- Coaching Circles | group coaching
Session 3 | Body Center Coaching
- Review of somatic coaching
- Coaching Circle | body-based coaching
- Reading body cues
- Body-based release activities
- Breath work and physical developmental activities
- The Enneagram Map | embodying change
- Coaching Circles | group coaching
Session 4 | Integrative Coaching
- Mental transformation coaching
- Emotional transformation coaching
- Subtype transformation coaching
Session 5 | Integrative Practices
- Coaching Circles
- Group coaching
- Coach development
- Certificates
Program language: English.
Coaching Downloads

Ginger Lapid-Bogda, PhD
An internationally recognized Enneagram author, trainer, keynote speaker, OD consultant and coach, Ginger is considered a world leader in bringing the insights of the Enneagram to organizations across the globe. With over 40 years experience, Ginger works with organizations, leaders and teams as they use the Enneagram, fully integrated with the theory and practice of organization development, to create vibrant, innovative and sustainable human systems. She is the author of 9 Enneagram-business books that have been translated into multiple languages; provides highly respected TTT and other certification programs for trainers, coaches and consultants around the world, all based on the Enneagram’s business applications; offers easy-to-use, engaging Enneagram training tools; and created the one-of-a-kind Enneagram App “Know Your Type” and the robust Enneagram Learning Portal (ELP). TheEnneagramInBusiness.com
Ginger’s books: Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work | What Type of Leader Are You? | Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You Coach | The Enneagram Development Guide | Consulting with the Enneagram | The Art of Typing | The Enneagram Coloring Book | The Art of the Enneagram (co-authored with Russell Tres Bogda) | Transform Your Team with the Enneagram
Individual and group coaching available with Ginger Lapid-Bogda and the Enneagram in Business Network

International Coaching Federation (ICF)
The ICF, the largest global coach accrediting body, has approved both Enneagram in Business coaching programs for ACSTH credits and will be transitioning to Level 1 ACC credit hours. From attending either Enneagram in Business coaching program, you’ll receive a coaching certificate from The Enneagram in Business worth 50 ICF credits that can be applied toward all ICF coaching credentials or ICF coaching credential renewals, there are other requirements as well: a specified number of documented client coaching hours, a coaching standards test, 10 hours of mentor coaching by an ICF approved mentor-coach, and a performance evaluation of a coaching session. Tracy Tresidder, a Senior Member of the Enneagram in Business Network, is an ICF authorized mentor-coach and offers discounted rates to participants of The Enneagram in Business coaching programs for mentor coaching and the required performance evaluation: Tracy Tresidder (Australia) tracy@tracytresidder.com
Please note that each ICF coaching credential level (ACC, PCC, MCC) requires a different number of coach training hours. Each coaching level (ACC, PCC, MCC) also has additional requirements such as a specified number of documented coaching hours plus more. Please visit the ICF website for all current details about ICF credentials and renewals.
To receive the training hour credits from our programs, you only need to submit the program certificate you receive at the end of our programs. Your initial certificate will have the word “provisional” on it. This means that if you are pursuing an ACC and use Tracy Tresidder as your mentor coach and for the performance evaluation, she will notify us once you have completed both requirements. We will then send you a new certificate without the word “provisional.” All other participants can use the initial “provisional” certificate for 50 ICF credit hours following the ICF “portfolio path.”
International Enneagram Association
Because The Enneagram in Business is an International Enneagram Association (IEA) Accredited School of Distinction, training hours from all our programs, including both “Coaching with the Enneagram 1.0” and “Advanced Coaching with the Enneagram 2.0”, can be used toward becoming an IEA Accreditated Professional (IEA accredited teacher). Both coaching programs are worth 50 IEA training hours, plus 20 bonus hours because of our IEA Accredited School status. These IEA training hours can be used for new IEA professional accreditation or IEA professional renewals. Please visit the IEA website for all current details about IEA credentials and renewal
The Enneagram in Business Program Policies
The registration for each program offered by The Enneagram in Business states the program name, dates, times, price, and description of the program content. Registration for each program is on The Enneagram in Business online store and all information is entered by participants to ensure accuracy. The individual program registration page provides a link to a PDF that describes the full program schedule, books to purchase and read before the first session, and all that is required for each program certification.
Participants hereby accept and agree to the following as requirements for program certification:
1) Full attendance and participation in all sessions of the program.
2) Purchase and read the required book(s) before the start of the program.
3) Complete the assignments from each session, including any pre- or post-session assignments.
4) Communicate any questions, concerns, or schedule issues that might arise in a timely manner.
The program and materials are the intellectual property of The Enneagram in Business. Participants hereby agree that there shall be no sharing, replicating, duplicating, or otherwise reproducing the materials in ways not specified and approved by The Enneagram in Business.
The Enneagram in Business maintains student records. All records are for internal purposes only and will not be shared with any outside individuals or groups. Registering for a program means agreeing to your information being held in our records.
The Enneagram in Business will investigate, document, and address any and all participant complaints within 3 business days, whenever possible. We ask that anyone with a grievance to contact us immediately, and we will do everything possible, within policy and reason, to accommodate issues brought to our attention. If you have a complaint or concern, please contact us at info@theenneagraminbusiness.com .
The Enneagram in Business does not allow partial completion of a program and will request a registrant discontinue their attendance if they miss a session. If the reason for the program withdrawal is an illness, family loss, or another type of emergency, there may be an option to roll over to a future program, at The Enneagram in Business’s discretion. If a participant is attending a rollover program, none of their previous program hours count towards the new program and they are required to attend all days of the session to receive a certificate of completion.
All program fees must be paid no later than two weeks before the program’s first session. If a participant makes an arrangement with The Enneagram in Business to pay a registration fee in several smaller payments, program registration is not final and official until the last payment is made.
In the event a participant must cancel their registration, they may request a refund of the registration fee up to two months prior to the start of the first session, minus a $200 USD processing fee.
If a program participant withdraws because of illness before or during the program, there may be an option to roll over to a future program. This will be decided by The Enneagram in Business, taking the severity of illness, the number of days missed, and timely participant communication into account.
All are welcome!
Effective date: January 2023
The Enneagram in Business embraces and promotes diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in our program offerings, the Enneagram community, and the coaching, consulting, and training professions. We believe that all organizations are obligated to look for systemic issues around racism, bias, and injustice within and to bring attention to it in society as a whole. We at the Enneagram in Business are uniquely able to demonstrate and promote these values as we work internationally with professional leaders, influencers, trainers, and coaches.
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of the Enneagram in Business that:
Recruitment and hiring of all personnel are conducted without discrimination against any individual with regard to race, age, religion, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
All program participants have the right to an environment free of discrimination and harassment. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination or harassment in the areas of race, age, religion, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
The Enneagram in Business is committed to learning and professional opportunities for people with disabilities and will do its best to make necessary accommodations to ensure that its processes and programs are fully accessible.
Participants who wish to report discrimination are encouraged to follow our stated Grievance Policy. The Enneagram in Business will promptly investigate all claims and reports of inappropriate conduct.
We are a values-driven organization. Our core values, which you can read below, are based on “Blue Ocean principles” adapted from “Blue Ocean Strategy.” In addition, we have operational values such as these and operationalize them in our programs and work with clients:
We tell participants and clients the truth about what we offer and what we observe in them, at the same time doing so with respect and compassion/empathy.
Maintaining ethical boundaries
We do not over-sell or overstate what we offer; we adhere to strict rules of client confidentiality, whether for program participants or organizational clients; we review ethics and ethical boundaries with participants in all our programs; we will not engage with clients or participants who we perceive as unethical.
We are transparent in what we offer, what we charge, what to expect when working with us in any way. If we make an error, we acknowledge this rather than avoiding the problem or shifting the blame. We answer all questions unless there is an ethical issue or confidentiality boundary involved.
Integrity, to us, means acting in accordance with our values. We strive to do this and if we should fall short in any way, we discuss the issue and realign the way we work if needed.
The following are the Blue Ocean ethics we require of the Enneagram in Business Network (EIBN) members and ourselves.
Professional Self-Presentation
Honest about background and experience; does not mislead explicitly or implicitly
Intellectual Property
Respects others’ intellectual property, asks permission to use, honors copyrights, does not plagiarize
Sharing of Information
Willingly shares information with others who can benefit from it; is continuously creating new material so has no need to hoard information
Competitive Orientation
Does not focus on competition to determine what they should do, competes against self in order to continuously improve work, collaborates in an egalitarian way
Charges fairly and neither overcharges to take advantage of clients nor undercharges to undercut the competition
Financial Values
Money is not a primary motivator, honors financial agreements even as circumstances may change
Strategic Orientation
Creates new market space coming from an abundance paradigm
Psychological Orientation
Takes responsibility for own behavior, takes a problem-solving orientation, moves on after conflict with others
Client Orientation
Respects the client relationships of other professionals
Interpersonal Orientation
Refrains from gossip or negative comments about colleagues and competitors, engages in self-examination and self-work rather than using others to vent or to harm, expresses concerns directly when concerns arise, acts respectfully toward others even when there are problems